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Al lavoro con le energie sottili

olistic vision

Radiesthesia: what it is, 

how it works and what it is used for

Gift of sensitivity at the service of humanity

Radiesthesia is a holistic investigation done in nature and on the human body, in order to prevent disorders and pathologies.

What is radiesthesia?

The word "radiesthesia" (or dowsing) derives from two roots, one Greek radius, "ray" and the other Latin aistetis, "sensitivity" or "perception". Coined in the early 1920s, radiesthesia is a practice that was used in the Middle Ages and even before, in fact it dates back approximately to 2500 BC and was practiced in the East, especially in China, and in ancient Egypt. In the West, from France it then spread to the rest of Europe and America.

Radiesthesia is that practice which, through the capture of the radiation that each body or substance emits, allows one to discover hidden bodies or substances, to know the location, the entity, the nature, the species and the quality and the influence that they exert on each other. All bodies, according to these theories, in fact emit radiation that can be perceived and signaled through the use of particular means or instruments.

It was 1913 when the French abbot Mermet presented a new instrument at the congress held for the first time in Paris: the pendulum. A sufficiently sensitive person, using radiesthesia, can analyze the energy of the body and in particular of the chakras. The "radiesthesia sense" is not something "spiritual", but a perfectly natural sense, present in everyone in a latent state and developed to varying degrees in many.

The person who practices radiesthesia is called a radiesthesist. He is not a doctor: this means that he is free to carry out his own investigations and studies on the state of the individual, but he cannot formulate diagnoses or prescribe drugs or specialist tests. Radiesthesia works through the use of various instruments such as the pendulum, the wooden rod, the Lecher antenna, the bio-tensor. These instruments help to probe natural elements such as water and minerals, which can be useful in various fields, from agriculture to ecology, as well as for the investigation of the human body.

Medical radiesthesia, operating on the etheric body, made of pure energies and light, aims to recognize, prevent and possibly cure the energetic imbalances that are the beginning of any physical discomfort. Yogi masters teach that many energy centers are recognized in the etheric body. The most important are the 7 chakras, the "energy vortices" located along the axis of the spinal column: the base of the spinal column, the navel, the spleen, the heart, the throat, the eyebrows, the tip of the head. Using a map that represents them, the pendulum or the instrument used is made to slide over each of them in order to determine whether the chakra is functioning well or altered in excess or defect.

The examination of the etheric body is important because it is believed that diseases are revealed first on the etheric plane and then on the physical one, this allows for prevention and orientation towards an appropriate holistic therapy. An operator with experience and sensitivity can examine a patient even thousands of kilometers away.

What disorders does radiesthesia treat

All the elements that disturb and distort the correct human energetic balance can be investigated by means of radiesthesia. Therefore, it is applied to the investigation, usually preventive, of the energetic health status of a person, in order to establish their vital level, the correct functioning of their chakras, their general health status, their allergies and intolerances, their body-mind interaction, psychosomatic difficulties, the nature and origin of their disorders.

Who is radiesthesia designed for?

Radiesthesia (or radioesthesia) is designed for all those people who wish to consciously know their body, understand what energetic dysfunctions are at the origin of certain symptoms, which perhaps official and traditional medicine has not been able to explain or has only partially identified. Like any other alternative therapy, radiesthesia must be approached with common sense: this means that it should never be understood as an alternative to a medical consultation or, even less, to a cure. In the presence of pathologies, it is essential to follow the therapies prescribed by your doctor.

The law in Italy and abroad

In Italy, radiesthesia is not formally prohibited by law, but it is not even considered a medical or scientific discipline. This means that the radiesthetist, like any holistic operator, is free to provide his advice, in compliance with the laws in force on consumer protection. In no case can he guarantee specific results in terms of health, nor prescribe therapies.

Associations and reference bodies

The most well-known association of Radiesthesia is the AIR, Italian Association of Radiestesisti, which was created to:

encourage, support, direct and supervise research in all fields of radiesthesia ;

direct the study of radiesthesia on a rational level;

monitor and validate the successes announced and provide for their eventual dissemination;

officially represent Italian radiesthesia on the international stage.


If you are interested in exploring the world of radiesthesia and discovering how it can enrich your life, do not hesitate to contact me to book your personal consultation. Together, we can open new doors and create a more harmonious future.

Consultations on Radiesthesia can be applied in various areas such as:

Investigations on Energy Blocks

Investigations on Physical Well-being in general (medical diagnoses are not issued)

Investigations on Food Intolerances

Advice on purchasing houses, cars, various objects, travel, holidays etc.

Character compatibility between people both for work-related issues and for sentimental relationships, Personnel selection for companies or firms, Energy examination for homes or buildings, Energy examination for the workplace, Research and identification of disturbances of subtle energies in general, aquifers, grids or energy nodes, underground water courses, Research for missing objects or missing animals.

We evaluate further requests other than those referred to in the previous points.


Radiesthesia is not a scientifically proven practice or recognized as valid by the scientific community, so it is essential to clearly inform the people involved of the limitations and the non-scientific nature of the findings.

Disclaimer for Radiesthetic Readings

The Radiesthetic readings performed by me are based on practices that are not scientifically proven and are not recognized as valid by the scientific community. They are to be considered as solely an expression of the personal beliefs and skills of the operator.

Radiesthetic readings are performed solely for entertainment or personal well-being purposes. No guarantees are given as to their accuracy, reliability or validity.

Radiesthetic readings may vary from person to person and from situation to situation. They cannot replace, in any way, diagnosis, medical, legal or professional advice from qualified professionals. It is strongly recommended that you consult a qualified expert for any medical, legal or professional matter.

Those who choose to participate in Radiesthetic readings do so at their own risk. The undersigned declines all responsibility for any consequences, damages or injuries that may arise from the radiesthetic readings or from the actions taken based on them.

Anyone who decides to undergo Radiesthetic readings is aware of the limitations of this practice and agrees to do so in full freedom. Reserves the right to refuse to perform radiesthetic readings at any time and for any reason, without any liability.

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by Geniame Srls Via Angelo Bertolini 14 Sub 70125 Bari, Italy VAT IT 07881240720 REA-BA588474